
Naturopathic Doctors near First Pro River Run Centre Mississauga ON in Mississauga, ON (35 Result(s))

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Get on the road to wellness with a visit to the Derry Wellness Centre in Mississauga. Our team of professionals can assist you with all of your orthopaedic needs. We also provide para-medical services like physiotherapy, massage therapy, chiropody, naturopathy, acupuncture, acupressure etc. We also provide social worker services for personal and family counselling.
Holistix Naturopathic Health Clinic in Mississauga provides advanced whole body treatments and holistic healing to improve your overall health and wellbeing. We offer a wide range of therapies, including massage, naturopathic medicine, Reiki energy healing and reflexology. Visit us today for your own customized treatment plan and start on the path to feeling well.
I have hypertension and wanted to lower my BP using natural remedies. I booked an appointment with Dr. Belus who took the time to review my medical history, symptoms and diet. She created a personalized regiment for me that included supplements, diet and lifestyle changes. I implemented her recommendations that same day, and within 48hrs my BP readings began to decrease. I have continued with Dr. Belus regiment because it has enabled me to control my hypertension naturally. Read more
A dedicated team of health professionals celebrating over 30 years serving our community! Our mission is to care for, educate and inspire our patients in their journey towards optimal health.
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