
Massage Therapists near First Pro River Run Centre Mississauga ON in Mississauga, ON (173 Result(s))

At Green Health Clinic, we manages our appointment book and can ensure that adequate time is allotted for each client. It is individualized care with enough flexibility in the day to manage client concerns that may take a little longer than expected. We are dedicated to providing noticeable and measurable results to every person who walks through our doors. As a solo practitioner and clinic owner of Green Health Clinic with many years of massage therapy experience, Jenny specializes in deep tissue massage and great when handling pressure points. She impresses people with her friendliness and down-to-earth personality. Jenny's goal every time is to make you a returning customer, she will try her best to provide the service that will give you a fresh day or week, the experience and her passion to comfort will probably last for a while until you come for another session. Finally we are proud to say that we will become your personalized Registered Massage Therapist.

Massage therapists in First Pro River Run Centre Mississauga ON

There’s nothing better than a soothing massage to rub out all those kinks and stress knots out of your back. From a simple day at the spa to regular massage therapy, finding a registered massage therapist should be taken as seriously as trying to find a family doctor.

Tips on how to find a message therapist in First Pro River Run Centre Mississauga ON

  • Certification: The massage therapist you choose must be certified or licensed in the province they practice. When looking up massage therapist listings make sure you can identify either CMT (Certified Massage Therapist) or LMT (Licensed Massage Therapist) next to their name. A registered massage therapist should also carry professional malpractice insurance.
  • Your needs: Ask yourself the following;
    • Am I interested in physical rehabilitation or sport training enhancement?
    • Am I looking for relief from physical or emotional stress?
    • What areas of my body are stiff or in pain? What areas will I want the massage therapist to focus on?

The more specific you are about your needs, the better equipped your massage therapist will be able to handle your massages.

  • Experience and technique: Another question you may want to ask your potential massage therapist is what type of experience they have and how long have they been practicing. You may be interested to know that your potential massage therapist also practises reflexology.
  • Massage schools vs. private massage therapy clinics: If you are looking for a good price on your next massage, you may want to be a willing participant in the education of a massage therapist in training at a school. If your needs are specific, stick to a certified professional that will be able to focus on your pain and stress and conduct follow-up massages – your back will be thankful for it.
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