
Used & Refurbished Computer Parts near Mississauga Plaza Mississauga ON in Mississauga, ON (20 Result(s))

16.0 km

GEEP (Global Electric Electronic Processing) is a global leader in electronic asset management and end-of-life electronics recycling.
Free Geek Toronto, a non-profit social enterprise in the heart of West Queen West helping bridge the digital divide. We accept donations of electronic waste, refurbish computers and re-sell them at an accessible price.
Great place for dropping your e-waste off and purchasing refurbished computers. Read more
Since 1962 we've helped students build science fair projects, artists bring visions to life, and movie sets fill their scenes. Our name says electronics, but we carry so much more. Need cables for your new speakers? Got 'em. Fixing an old stereo? We have the parts. Lost a wall charger? Have those too. Need a thing to go on your whatsit? It's over by those doo-dads.
This place literally has EVERYTHING! Read more
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