
Transmission near Demorestville ON (240 Result(s))

Booking a cab has never been easier. You can now book your taxi: ? By booking online. ? By booking through our app. ? Or, text your address to Capital Taxi at 613-744-3333. ? Or, if you are more comfortable, our available agents are always ready to receive your call With the convenience of App bookings, text bookings and calling, you may still be used to the old school way of booking a taxi. Capital Taxi still wants to continue to give choice to you and that is why you can still book your taxi online if you are working on a desktop or don?t want the pressure of downloading an app or texting. We aim to please you. The Features you can now expect and love are:
Tirecraft is a proudly Canadian owned and operated expert in tires and automotive service. Our group of high quality dealerships extends across the country, addressing Canadians’ tire needs and automotive issues. Each Tirecraft is owner-operated and is committed to the well-being of its customers, employees and community. Our extensive range of products and services is backed by our superior warranty, meaning you can rely on Tirecraft for trustworthy advice, honest suggestions and competitive prices.
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