Cafe Theatre de Chambly offers a variety of shows: comedy, drama, mystery, modern theater, classical, Québec and foreign authors. In short, the audience taste all kinds. The dinner theater has a capacity of 80 spectators. What distinguishes it from other more conventional theater is an intimate part, close to the stage and actors, and its particular vocation is to promote local artists.
Théa^tre des Deux Rives28 septembre 2014 à 15 h 30Salle Desjardins, Théa^tre des Deux Rives16 avril 2015 à 20 hThéa^tre des Deux Rives CabaretThéa^tre30 novembre 2014 à 14 hSalle Desjardins, Théa^tre des Deux Rives
The School of Arts Our Voices Our Faces is a non-profit organization dedicated to the development of the artistic potential of individuals, particularly young people, and succession development in the field of performing arts.