
Television Sales & Services near Rae Lakes NT (3 Result(s))

"Same Price Expert Advise" is the mantra of Roy's Audio Visual Unlimited. Roy has been serving the North for over 35 years and Roy's Audio Video continues to be "the store that better service built". We offer great products, service and repairs and are the authorized dealer for many name brands including Bell and Apple. We offer shipping throughout NWT and locally will deliver and set up your home theater and sound systems. We have a monthly flyer with our specials and offer "price match" and "payment plans"! If you're shopping for electronics give us a try. We promise to make your visit an exceptional one. Thank you, Roy Williams.
"Same Price Expert Advise" is the mantra of Roy's Audio Visual Unlimited. Roy has been serving the North for over 35 years and Roy's Audio Video continues to be "the store that better service built". We offer great products, service and repairs and are the authorized dealer for many name brands including Bell and Apple. We offer shipping throughout NWT and locally will deliver and set up your home theater and sound systems. We have a monthly flyer with our specials and offer "price match" and "payment plans"! If you're shopping for electronics give us a try. We promise to make your visit an exceptional one. Thank you, Roy Williams.
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