Welcome to It's About Tea. We invite you to browse through our store and shop with confidence. We invite you to create an account with us if you like, or shop as a guest. Either way, your shopping cart will be active until you leave the store.Thank you for visitingAjiri TeaThis fabulous black tea is produced by a cooperative of small family farm plot owners in the Kisii region of Western Kenya.
Chinese Ancient TeaTie GuanyinBubble Tea originated in Taiwan in the early 1980's at a small tea stand. Elementary school children would look forward to buying a cup of refreshing tea after a long, hard day of work and play. Tea stands were set up in front of the schools and would compete for business with the best selling tea. One concession owner became popular with her tea when she started adding different fruit flavoring to her tea. Because of the sweet and cool taste, children loved the taste. Soon, other concessions heard about the 'unique' and popular te,a so they started to add flavoring to their teas. When adding flavor, the tea and flavoring needed to be shaken well for a good all around taste.