
Tattoo Shops near Brackenrig ON (43 Result(s))

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High-end custom tattooing, precision body piercing & the highest quality hand-crafted jewellery available. Ninja Cyborg has a diverse and experienced team. Our tattoo artists specialize in custom, cover-up, geometric, minimalistic, realism, floral, script, lettering, mixed media, watercolour, neotraditional, traditional Americana, Japanese, whimsical, anime, nerd, cartoon, black and grey, colour, linework, surrealist, and illustrative tattoos. Our autoclaves are spore tested biweekly. The piercings we are proficient in are ear piercing, child ear piercing, body piercing, adult (18+), surface, ear curation, and advanced piercing projects. Please email us at: with any questions.
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