We'll work with you to tailor a bike to your goals, style and experience level. It all starts by 'sizing you up.' Literally. An active bike fit will help you do more than you ever thought possible with your new bike.we determine your measurements we'll begin to uncover your fit then with our expertise, tweak it to get optimal performance while retaining the comfort you require.we explore all the options in high-performance components to build-up your bike. Get the right bike and fit every time.
Atmosphere is Canada's top outdoor adventure and camping store destination. Visit us online or at one of our stores across the country for all the top climbing, hiking, camping and outdoor gear & clothing. We know the outdoors and are committed to helping you find your next adventure. Shop online.
Bad Axe Throwing specializes in hosting birthday parties, bachelor/bachelorette parties and team building events! Regardless of your skill level, the professionally trained coaches provide a brief orientation on how to throw the axe and how the point systems works. Your designated coach supervises and monitors the entire event while providing tips and tricks for sticking the axe! Our event will wrap up with a round robin tournament crowning the ultimate axe throwing champion!
Allsports & Cycle has been serving Edmonton sports enthusiasts for over 25 years and has over 10,000 square feet of affordable used and new sporting goods in our conveniently located store! We are truly a one stop shop for the Edmonton athlete. We carry a full range of new sporting goods right up to the high end equipment the experts demand. We also carry affordable used sporting goods in our Allsports Replay section for those who want great equipment to fit their budget.
Welcome to Sluggo's Free Kick. We are the retail store for all soccer and rugby related needs and we also provide team or group apparel to schools, clubs, sports teams and businesses.Ric loves the Sherwood Park community where he and his wife Jen raise their three children.
Bladz Skate Shop is a member of MAXIMUM EDGE, a skate-sharpening supplier to the NHL including on- ice officials. Bladz Skate Shop and other Maximum Edge members offer their hockey and figure skating customers a superior standard in skate blade maintenance. The Maximum Edge sharpening system incorporates its own profiling and patented finishing process, which increases the number one factor in skating - skater control.
Eddie Bauer offers premium-quality clothing, accessories and gear for men and women that complement today's modern outdoor lifestyle. Whether it's classic outerwear, legendary down or casual denim and khakis, Eddie Bauer offers a full range of styles to complete the casual wardrobe.
Totem Outdoor Outfitters Ltd in Edmonton has been happily serving customers since 1972! We carry a full line of backpacking, travelling, camping and canoeing, flat water kayaking gear, X-C skis and snowshoes. We pride ourselves on offering old fashioned service with a professional new-age attitude!
The Sports Exchange is a very important part of Totem Outdoor Outfitters. The department was started because of a great need for used equipment for people of all ages and circumstances. The Sports Exchange offers a wide selection of new and used hockey, lacrosse, soccer, skis and boards, golf and ball equipment. Here you can buy, sell, consign, and trade your sporting goods.
We have a lot to offer both the growing family and the sports enthusiast. Although used gear is our main focus, we still carry top quality brand names for all sports. We are often told we have the largest selection of new and used skates in all of Alberta. From high end hockey to recreational and even little bob skates, we have a pair for you.
The Sports Exchange is also an enthusiastic supporter for Sports Central and allows customers to drop off selected gear which will benefit less fortunate children.
Allow our knowledgeable staff to help you buy, sell, trade or consign your used equipment.
Olson Curling is your destination for all things related to curling. We carry apparel, curling shoes, brushes, accessories and various other curling equipment. Whether it is a broom bag, shoes, gloves, pants or brushes, we are bound to have just what you need. Contact us for more information.
Sport Chek is Canada's largest retailer of men's, women's and kids' shoes, jackets and clothing, as well as sporting gear for activities like: running, cycling, swimming, watersports, team sports, hockey, golf and more. Shop online or at one of 200+ locations nationwide. Specialty shops: Nevada Bob's Golf, Hockey Experts, Pro Ski & Board Shop