Armstrong's Outdoors Store with MORE!
Performance Outdoor Gear & Footwear. Shooting sports, Hiking, Optics, Leupold, Vasque, backpacking, Deuter, Archery, hunting, Mountainsmith, camping, maps, sunglasses, hammocks, workboots, runners, DarnTough socks, Pelican cases, Fenix lights, Stanley thermos and gift sets, Buck knives, Hydroflask, .... the list keeps growing!
We have a pro shop for rifles, scope mounting, archery, custom arrows. PSE recurves, compound bows, and Crossbows - Rinehart targets in stock!
Shotguns, rifles, pistols, new & previously enjoyed on consignment, traditional, tactical, collectible, and unique. We have ammunition & fishing tackle to complete your fishing and hunting trip!
Full service in a small town!
Monashee Outdoors is a local gem run by a great couple (Ryan and Lisa). The store only stocks high-quality brands and products so its easy to shop there without having to do much research. Plus, the staff is very knowledgeable and happy to advise. Outdoor shoes, boots, clothing, backpacks, camping supplies, archery, you name it... this store is a treasure trove for fellow outdoor enthusiasts.Read more
Canadian Tire Retail (CTR) is Canadian Tire's core business and one of Canada's most-shopped general merchandise retailers with 479 stores across the country serving over 180 million customers a year. CTR is the Canadian market leader in each of its three main product divisions: Automotive, Home and Leisure.
I love Canadian Tire and yes it can be a pain looking for a product but most stores operate this way. It is a self serve business model which has been in effect for years since I worked for one of their stores back in the 1970's.
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Sport Chek is Canada's largest retailer of men's, women's and kids' shoes, jackets and clothing, as well as sporting gear for activities like: running, cycling, swimming, watersports, team sports, hockey, golf and more. Shop online or at one of 200+ locations nationwide. Specialty shops: Nevada Bob's Golf, Hockey Experts, Pro Ski & Board Shop
Established in 1996, Olympia Cycle and Ski in Vernon BC is a unique environment where customers and staff share a passion for the mountains we love to bike and ski on. Our staff are bike and ski experts, passionate about our top-of-the-line inventory and about our commitment to providing you the best fit in the interior of BC, whether it be skis, boots, bikes or shoes we guarantee it!
Sport Chek is Canada's largest retailer of men's, women's and kids' shoes, jackets and clothing, as well as sporting gear for activities like: running, cycling, swimming, watersports, team sports, hockey, golf and more. Shop online or at one of 200+ locations nationwide. Specialty shops: Nevada Bob's Golf, Hockey Experts, Pro Ski & Board Shop
We specialize in everything you and the family need to enjoy a day on the slopes or an afternoon on the lakes and beaches.
During the winter season we specialize in Freestyle, Freeride and Family Ski gear, clothing and accessories. We are the leading Snowboard shop in the community with a great selection in all categories including Spliboarding. Whether you need equipment for backcountry skiing or just cruising the blues, we've got you covered.
As the snow melts we turn our attention to the many beaches and lakes that surround Vernon. Everything from Swimwear and Flip-Flops to Standup Paddleboards and Wakesurfers.
With a reputation for service, Attridge Ski & Board prides itself on friendly and knowledgeable staff and we back up all Equipment purchases with our Performance Guarantee.
Valhalla Pure Outfitters is your adventure centre. We invite you to come visit us to gear up before your next adventure, whether that is around the world or around the block. We have a carefully curated selection of quality outdoor and travel gear designed to help you get the most of our your next outdoors experience. Find brands like: Arc'teryx, Black Diamond, Chaco, Deuter, Icebreaker, Kari Traa, Keen, Kuhl, La Sportiva, Marmot, Merrell, MSR, Osprey, Prana, Salomon, Scarpa, ThermaRest, The North Face and more!
As always, we guarantee the best prices so you get big city/big box pricing with small town, attentive, friendly service. We look forward to seeing you soon.
Welcome to BC's first Stand Up Paddlesurf shop – right here in the sunny Okanagan. Modeled after those quaint n' quirky surf shop's you'll find around the Hawaiian Islands, Kalavida is right across from Kalamalka Lake Beach with a look and feel that makes everyone feel welcome. The lake is widely regarded as one of the Canada's most iconic paddling destinations and with Lake Okanagan and plenty of rivers nearby, including the Shuswap, the region is overflowing with all kinds of exciting places to paddle.