Sandy Bay Child and Family Services believes that all children have the right to grow up in a safe and nurturing family environment, free from child abuse
North End of Winnipeg by providing a safe community gathering place that allows families to connect and belong. We help families break the cycle of poverty by providing programs and services that empower them to meet their life goals. Our ValuesWe value community – We believe people should be a part of and belong to a safe community.We value families – We believe that families are the foundation of society and are to be supported.We value partnerships – We are committed to working with others that work to empower families and community.We value respect – We are committed to respecting all people regardless of their culture, faith, lifestyle, or background. We understand to receive respect is to give respect freely.We value integrity – We are committed to conducting ourselves in an honest and transparent manner that honours the trust that the community and our supporters have given us.We are Christian – We believe that Christ's message of love and redemption provides hope for all people.