Our tag line proudly proclaims we are a 'good place to be'. It refers not just to our locations but also the essence of Boys and Girls Clubs. It is the relationships that are forged between participants and our staff and volunteers. It is the safety and support we provide through our care families and youth programs. It is the specific environments we create that let youth know they are valued and can achieve their potential. THAT is the 'good place' that our programs and services create.
Save The Date. Safe Babies One Day Conference Thursday, November 6Th, 2014Beban Park Recreation Centre, 2300 Bowen Road, Nanaimowith Featured Speaker Wayne K. Jeffery, B.Sc., M.Sc., A Toxicology And Drug Consultant With Over 34Years Experience Working With The Rcmp Forensics Laboratories. More Speakers To Be Announced.This Training Event Is Open To Current Designated Vancouver Island Safe Baby Caregivers.Watch For Information From Your Safe Babies Coordinator Or Resource Social Worker.Presented By The Vancouver Island Safe Babies .
Did You Know.Hulitan is primarly funded by the Ministry of Children and Family Development.Hulitan also receives funding from United Way, Makola Group of Societies, Success By 6, The Victoria Foundation, and the BC Association of Aboriginal Friendship Centers.Hulitan has six unique services which include, Sexual Abuse Intervention, Child & Youth Mental Health, a mandated parenting program, Family Development Response, a cultural learning program, and a Supported Access program. Little Eagles Childrens Support GroupLittle Eagles (Kwikminixw in the Kwakwala Language) is a support group for Aboriginal children who have experienced and/ or witnessed family violence. The group is based in Aboriginal perspective and incorporates culturally relevant teachings as often as possible. Art, sand and play therapy methods are also included. Little Egales (Kwikminixw) brings forward discussions on the various aspects of abuse, including historical abuse, realting to colonization and the residential school system and the intergenerational impacts on family dynamics today.
Our vision is of healthy children who will grow up connected to their families, communities and culture. We will work together toward the day all children and families have skills, knowledge, education and support to ensure their children and their children's children will not enter the child welfare or justice systems.