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I owned a textile factory in which various employees work together so it's my responsibility to take care of their health from various toxic chemicals. So I take help from ECOH in the management of various hazardous material so that it does not affect workers' health and they provided me best services. I am really thankful to them.Read more
Ecometrix' collegial and highly experienced scientific team ensures our success; success that is reflected in our long list of loyal and repeat clients. This approach has allowed EcoMetrix professionals to build and sustain credibility with our private and public sector clients as well as with the regulatory agencies. Through these efforts, EcoMetrix is recognized locally, nationally and internationally for its commitment to excellence, emphasis on innovation and creativity, and years of experience with challenging assignments across North America, South America and the world.
EcoMetrix is a team of experienced environmental professionals applying leading edge science and knowledge of regulatory requirements to measure, assess and quantify the potential effects of human activities on the environment. Our team strives for environmental leadership to satisfy the evolving needs of our clients. We offer a wide range of expertise and pride ourselves on our reputation.
Testmark Laboratories offers fully licensed and accredited environmental lab testing services for private and public sector clients, providing quick friendly service and accurate results.