Electronics company which makes integrated OEM components for Smart Cities, Traffic Safety, Traffic Calming, and Perimeters Security. We manufacture Traffic Sensors, Doppler and FMCW Radars, Smart Traffic Signs Information Displays controllers wirelessly linked into local mesh networks with getaways to the Internet (IoT) and other infrastructure such as traffic lights.
Our products by integrators and distributors who provide services to municipalities (public works department), traffic engineers, police enforcement officers, work zone safety officers, and larger private entities such as ports, airports, railroad yards, and other large industrial facilities.
IoT solution provider and Custom electronic product development. Briowireless privides innovatives IoT solutions for industrial, manufacturing and smart building sectors focusing in the wireless connectivity and remote monitoring. We also offer leading-edge custom electronic products design services with more than 30 skilled engineers in electronic and software design
AMEC works globally on projects for clients in the oil & gasmining clean energy and environment and infrastructure markets With offices across 40 countries, we can utilise resources from anywhere in the world to fit your needs.