Ecobonheur Magasin général is a différent store.
It is divided into 3 parts:
It offers a nice Québec creations (knitwear, games, toys, jewelry, embroidery, stitching, decorations, etc.) for all ages, from infants to old person.
She also offers workshops, conferences, exhibitions on all topics that interest you. Special requests are also accepted.
It has a second hand section of a high quality at very low prices. You can also find small appliances, shoes, toys, sports accessories, etc. new and used.
Écobonheur Magasin général will live through the community and for the community, regardless of social group in order to promote reconciliation and return to the true values.
- Share handicraft knowledge to perpetuate the know-how of our traditions and our culture.
- A place where generations can mingle.
Des artisans de talents ainsi que des ateliers, conférences et expositions divertissants et très intéressants. Une friperie de qualité est annexée à la boutique cadeau !Read more