We have been bringing quality products to market for more than 45 years and have earned a reputation as a leading player in the North American turf industry. Each year, more than 10 million square feet of our turf—equivalent to more than 100 US football fields is laid out in a neighbourhood near you. When you choose products and services from Gazon Bastien, you get superior products, efficient installation and dedicated customer service and innovative expert advice.
3/4 Nette, Sable A Compaction, Poussière De Roche, 0 3/4, Pierre Naturelle, Pierre De Rivière, Terreau Tamisé, Asphalte Recyclé, Terreau De Rempotage, Livraison De Terreau, Terreau À Pelouse, Terre De Ramblais, Pierre Concassé
Transport Lorie est dans le domaine du transport de matériaux en vrac : terre à gazon, pierre, remblais, asphalte recyclé, tourbe, etc. Nous servons la meilleure terre depuis plus de 10 ans à Sainte-Sophie! Pour une terre de qualité supérieure, appelez-nous.