50th Anniversary CelebrationSummer Evening Services Over the summer months Maranatha will not be meeting for evening worship services. Please continue to join with us at 10:00 a.m. for our regular morning worship services.May God bless you with renewal over the summer months.Whats Happening at Maranatha Maranathas 50th Anniversary! This year Maranatha Christian Reformed Church celebrates 50 years of Gods faithfulness! An Anniversary Committee has been formed and preparations are underway for Maranatha's 50th Anniversary Celebration for the dates of September 13 & 14, 2014. Plans include a formal dinner, worship service, archive displays, children's activities, potluck, and more! We arelooking for involvement from church groups as well as your help with memories and archives from the past 50 years. If you have anything you are able to contribute, please contact a member of the committee or the church office.Planning Committee Members: Alicia Boekee (Chair), Mary Damstra (Secretary), Corrie DeJong, Rose Rusticus, Lisa Semplonius, & Yvonne ZegersMaranatha is Seeking a Worship Coordinator!
Islam teaches that the objective of the Commandments of God is that peace should be established in the human societies of this world, in preparation for a further dimension of human existence in the world to come, the Afterlife.
Just below, you will find an extended history of our parish of St. Joseph's here in Bowmanville. What is always clear in reading such a history is the knowledge that we are who we are because of the traditions and values of our parents and grandparents and a whole history of people who sought a world rich in gospel values, who had a faith tradition that gave their lives meaning and value and holiness. The history of our parish of St. Joseph's takes us back to 1850 when Fr. Michel Timlin came from St. Michael's Parish in Cobourg to celebrate Mass in people's homes. A church was built on the north side of Church Street, west of Division in 1867 and in 1958, the first Mass was celebrated on Christmas Eve in our present church here on Liberty Street.
It Is Written programs are produced around the world and are available in 11 languages: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Norwegian, Swedish and Ukrainian.