Signs of DesperationAugust 21, 2014Taxpayer funded NDP signs are misleading and dishonest: Pallister Opposition Leader Brian Pallister is calling on the NDP to reimburse taxpayers for money spent on NDP promotional signs near construction projects that are popping...PC statement on Tina Fontaine and Faron HallAugust 19, 2014All Manitobans were saddened to hear of the death of Tina Fontaine, a young girl with her entire life ahead of her. The death of Tina Fontaine - a vulnerable child in the care of Child and Family Services, raises serious questions...PC's Call for Review of Prisoner EscapeAugust 19, 2014Manitobans need to know how escape went undetected: Goertzen Progressive Conservative Justice Critic Kelvin Goertzen is calling for an immediate review of the NDP's operation of Manitoba Corrections and a public explanation into...INTEREST ON MANITOBA's DEBT PAYMENTS SKYROCKETINGAugust 21, 2014Manitoba taxpayers will pay $116 million more to service the provincial debt this year than they did four years ago