I composed music for dozens of films TV series and megashows, working with everything from small bands to 100 piece orchestras. Lots of precision is required to achieve the right emotion and mood. Each picture is unique, every director has a different approach.
Technovideo control all technical aspects of professional video critical to your project solutions tailored to your budget; design, filming, editing, SD and HD digital duplication; all digital media on the cutting edge of technology HDCAM SR, HDCAM, XDCAM 422, Digital Betacam, DVCAM.
Jeun'Est Productions was born out of this desire to want to share their knowledge and to ensure that young adults are committed to remain active in order to enrich our community socially and culturally.
Sonorisation DTS, vivez l'expérience d'une sonorisation exceptionnelle avec la technologie THX, DTS et Prologic. Nous pouvons mettre en place un système réparti en 5.1 ou 7.1 avec notre décodeur. Il est aussi possible de présenter des films provenant de tous les pays, nos appareils peuvent décoder en mode NTSC la plupart des films provenant d'ailleurs.