Integral Connections is a coaching and consulting service offered by Tania Walter Gardiner. Generate insight and solutions to build sustainable capacities. I work with individuals and teams to gain clarity about their values so that they can generate possibilities, create solutions, and commit to purposeful action steps to achieve what they want with integrity.Click here for an introduction to who I am and hear a few testimonials from clientsServices to individuals and organizations include onetoone coaching, team coaching, facilitation, and training. I provide a solutionsfocused, appreciative inquiry approach to all coaching and consulting engagements, tailoring programs to the unique needs of clients. Overview of Coaching and Consulting ServicesWhat do you want in life? How might you get it? How might you commit to that? How would you know you got it?The answers to questions such as these are what connect you to your motivations, inspiration, and passion to do what you love in life.
Federal Qué 58 Police Renseignements généraux durant les heures normales d'ouverture Postes de Poste auxiliaire de la MRC la Vallée-de-l'Or Sûreté du Québec