I started this company in 1977 as a commissioned sales agent calling customers throughout NL. By 1990, I started my own wholesale company, hence the name-Strickland Agencies Limited-Wholesale Plumbing Specialties. I operated out of the basement of my home, while my wife, a stay at home mom, did the books. In 1995, we decided it was time to buy a building of our own. We bought our building of 10,000 sq.ft. in Nov.95, and we hired our first employee in Spring of 96. Today we have 3 full-time warehouse people who look after all shipping & receiving. We also employ 2 full-time salesmen, one to cover Eastern & Central Newfoundland, and the other to cover Central, West , North, and Labrador. Including my wife and I, we employ a total of 7 people. We stock over 7,000 items in the same building. We pride ourselves in shipping to our customers quickly, and at an average fill rate of 95%. So if you're looking for the right supplies, at the right price, then you're looking at the right company.