
Paint Stores near Borden PE (24 Result(s))

House of Excellence is proud to be an independent Benjamin Moore paint retailer serving your community. We’re proud to deliver the kind of specialized attention to detail and help that you simply won’t find in larger chain stores. Our store professionals are comprised of trained specialists whose knowledgeable experience and helpful advice will ensure the success of every project you have. Whatever your project, we’re here to help. Our customers are also our neighbors and friends, and trust us to share our expertise and provide them with superior products and outstanding service. Our service professionals are trained in our extensive line of products, and are skilled home project experts who can help you every step of the way with any job you have.
Markan Hardwood Plus Inc. is a 100% locally owned and operated specialty store, carrying a complete line of flooring products and hardwood stair components. Starting as a small unfinished hardwood store, it has evolved to become PEI's largest flooring store. Carrying a complete selection of high quality flooring with over 500,000 SQ FT of product "in stock", at all times.
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