Amalgam Montreal Montreal inc inc. To allow 36 people with physical disabilities to integrate into an environment that replicates the labor market. Thus were born the work packages handled by the participating members. The module is an environment where everyone has a responsibility.
Our management team strongly believes in staying loyal to the company's philosophy to excellence in meeting clients needs. What can we do to make you more profitable.
Transcontinental creates marketing products and services that allow businesses to attract, reach and retain their target audiences. The Corporation is the largest printer in Canada and the third largest in North America.
BLR compte 12 années de croissance dans la conception, optimisation, fabrication et distribution d équipements d Automatisation et Robotique Industrielle. Nos machines et équipements de productions sont de séries et sur mesure. Elles performent dans les domaines du pharmaceutique, médical, alimentaire, chimique, cosmétique, papier, aéronautique et gouvernemental. Nous intégrons les technologies de fines pointes; servomoteur, analyse vectorielle, contrôle multiaxes, 3D, 4D, P.I.D., hydraulique, pneumatique, mouvement proportionnel ainsi que la numérisation par ingénierie inverse.
Composite cans are attractive, functional and very economical, making them extremely versatile in meeting today's packaging requirements. More than an outer shell, composite cans have proven to be a potent marketing tool to get your product noticed in the retail jungle. Their unique form and functionality makes them the ideal consumer-friendly packaging choice.