Inspire a love of Christ and change a child's life.Take action now.Learn MoreSupport Us in PrayerPlease join us in praying for the children we serve through our ministries. These children and their teachers pray for our Mustard Seed International Supporters regularly. Our prayer calendar is updated monthly and available for download.Click for our Prayer CalendarAdopt a SchoolHelp us bring world class education to the children in need and learn how one school can change an entire community. You have several options: from providing school supplies to building an entire school.Learn MoreSponsor a TeacherTrained at Mustard Seed's acclaimed Teacher Training Centre, our teachers receive world class education to become expert teachers who will guide and educate children at Mustard Seed schools around the world.
Scripture Union traces its origins back to 1867 when a young man called Josiah Spiers shared the Gospel with children on a beach in Wales.The first SU work in Canada dates from 1879, making it one of the founding Christian ministries in this country. Reaching children & young people where they are has remained at the centre of SU's ministry which today takes place in 130 countries worldwide.
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Ajax Alliance Church - A live in the word of God through scripture, prayer and song Welcome to our website and Visit for latest information and lots more