Toujours un EXCELLENT service de qualité. Des libraires qui connaissent les livres!!!
Il y en de moins en moins et j'espère qu'ils survivront! d.g.Read more
Composite cans are attractive, functional and very economical, making them extremely versatile in meeting today's packaging requirements. More than an outer shell, composite cans have proven to be a potent marketing tool to get your product noticed in the retail jungle. Their unique form and functionality makes them the ideal consumer-friendly packaging choice.
Whether for the development of a workstation, office furniture or executive secretaries, tables for conference rooms, cafeteria, training or other ergonomic chairs, visitors, or executive conferences, filing cabinets or high-density storage, removable walls, etc.
Un Enorme merci a Kym , pour ton excellent service et ta patience , ta pas idée a quel point tu as été dune aide pour ma mere et moi pour nos signets , vraiment tu es excellente et je te remercie du fond du cœur , une chance que tu etais la ! Read more