READEXPRESS EDITORIALYou can't complain if you don't voteThis is not a new phenomenon, but it is reiterating a very important point that many across this city are trying to make You have to vote to have your voice heard.The numbers prove that less and less people are casting their ballots in every election that is held.Oshawa is absolutely no exception.
UTHAYAN', a Tamil weekly newspaper is published by Uthayan Publishers across Canada. A pioneer in journalism. The success of 'Uthayan' can be attributed to its multiculturalism, dynamism and authenticity. We cater to all the advertising needs of individual customers, corporate sectors and many government organizations. The Website of 'Uthayan' serves the need of all Tamil reading customers across Canada.
Uthayan is one of Excellent Canadian Tamil Media weekly News Paper in Ontario which provides all news about Canada, worldwide and useful articles for the growth of younger generation, religious articles etc since 1996.Every Saturdays as a Tamil Canadian I would not miss to ream same.Best Wishes to Uthayan for helping younger generation to improve their mother language Tamil as well. Read more