Assistance With Bathing And Personal Hygiene, Mobility Assistance, Post-operative Care, Reminder To Take Medication, Respite Care At Home, Respite Care In Institution, Palliative Care, Household Cleaning, Alzheimer Care, Help With Household Chores, Appointment Accompaniment, Meal Preparation, Companionship And Activites, Parkinson Care, Assist In The Management Of Appointments And General
Bien Chez Soi provides home care services in the Greater Montreal area. We offer assistance with bathing, mobility, household chores and meal preparation. Our attendants provide post-operative care, accompany patients during appointments and provide relief to caregivers. Call us to learn more about our services.
We are recognized by the Better Business Bureau, we are certified and we adhere to all the rules governed by the Joint Committee on Public Buildings and Quebec CSST In addition we are holders a license from the Régie du Québec as building contractor specializing in finish work and painting.