Sturgis is synonymous with motorcycles and the people who love them. Visitors come all year long looking for motorcycle-related businesses and attractions, and they leave with a piece of motorcycling history after visiting the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum & Hall of Fame.
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Heritage Village Aerial ViewIn 1982 the province of Saskatchewan declared the Doukhobor Prayer Home a Provincial Heritage Building. The Veregin Doukhobor Prayer Home is a landmark of the area, with architecture that can be traced to the Russia. Built in 1917, it served as a Prayer Home and residence of the two Doukhobor leaders, Peter V. Verigin and his son Peter P. Verigin. Today it is part of the National Doukhobor Heritage Village.The National Doukhobor Heritage Village was officially opened June 29, 1980, the day which the Doukhobors celebrate annually as Petera€TMs Day. It is the day which commemorates the burning of the arms and which led to the Doukhobor emigration from Russia. Cement foundations give evidence of several business and residential structures that were once located there. Of the earlier buildings, only the Veregin Prayer Home, a machine shed and grain elevator exist.Two buildings, both of which are Prayer homes and facing one another, were the beginning of a Heritage Village Complex.
History AlbumCelebrating 65 Years in 2014To help celebrate the 65th anniversary of the Western Development Museum, we encourage people to visit their local WDM this year.Find out how we're celebrating -->Where are we? Our four museum locations can be visited in Moose Jaw , North Battleford , Saskatoon , and Yorkton . Our Curatorial Centre is located in Saskatoon, SK.
Broadview Also Offers The Support Services Of The Broadview And District Economical Development Committee, The Mainline Regional Economic Development Authority And The East Central Development Corporation.