At LANKA METALS, we have a unique business structure that allows us to save you time and provide you with a more cost-effective way to design, prototype, produce and manage your projects.
WELCOME TO FLEXFAB Our mission is to develop, manufacture and deliver the best quality metal filing, storage and displays systems in North America for the corporate office, home office and small office needs. Flexfabs employees are our most important asset; their experience is what makes our products the best.
THE ZINC PLATING AND METAL FINISHING SPECIALISTS barrel plating and metal finishing industry. For decades, the hardware industry and decoration industry have benefited from our expertise in providing a beautiful lasting finish for their products Zinc plating Brass plating Nickel electroplating Copper plating RoHS - Zinc clear trivalent Metal finishing Now available: Phosphate & Cadmium And more Experience .
Lanka Metals : Located in Anjou (Montreal) Qc. We are experts in applying “Electrostatic” powder paint.
Our facility is capable of painting small to large quantities, and pieces up to 10 feet in length.
Lanka Metals : Situé à Anjou (Montréal) Qc. Nous sommes des experts dans l'application de la peinture en poudre « électrostatique ».
Notre installation est capable de peindre de petites à grandes quantités, et des pièces jusqu'à 10 pieds de longueur.
At LANKA METALS, we have a unique business structure that allows us to save you time and provide you with a more cost-effective way to design, prototype, produce and manage your projects.