
Materiel de camping near Okanagan BC (8 Result(s))

Armstrong's Outdoors Store with MORE! Performance Outdoor Gear & Footwear. Shooting sports, Hiking, Optics, Leupold, Vasque, backpacking, Deuter, Archery, hunting, Mountainsmith, camping, maps, sunglasses, hammocks, workboots, runners, DarnTough socks, Pelican cases, Fenix lights, Stanley thermos and gift sets, Buck knives, Hydroflask, .... the list keeps growing! We have a pro shop for rifles, scope mounting, archery, custom arrows. PSE recurves, compound bows, and Crossbows - Rinehart targets in stock! Shotguns, rifles, pistols, new & previously enjoyed on consignment, traditional, tactical, collectible, and unique. We have ammunition & fishing tackle to complete your fishing and hunting trip! Full service in a small town!
Monashee Outdoors is a local gem run by a great couple (Ryan and Lisa). The store only stocks high-quality brands and products so its easy to shop there without having to do much research. Plus, the staff is very knowledgeable and happy to advise. Outdoor shoes, boots, clothing, backpacks, camping supplies, archery, you name it... this store is a treasure trove for fellow outdoor enthusiasts. Read more
True North Rentals is a small family owned business in it's humble beginnings located in Penticton BC, servicing all the Okanagan Valley and surrounding areas. We are committed to offering fun and durable equipment, whether it be inflatables for your parties and events or hiking equipment to explore the world renowned Okanagan wilderness wit. Call for more information!
Great North is Canada’s premier, full-service outdoor retailer. With a focus on top-quality gear for hunting, camping, and outdoor adventure, including associated optics, electronics, outerwear, and footwear. Great North caters to both outdoor enthusiasts and casual participants. We are passionate about the outdoors and helping to create memorable outdoor experiences. Our commitment is to exceed the expectations of our customers through the provision of an unmatched shopping experience, comprised of superior service, value, and quality products. Our commitment to providing outstanding service and quality products all backed by our exceptional exchange and return policies make us Canada’s Best Outdoor Store. You can learn more about Great North Our employees are provided with a supportive atmosphere where they are challenged, rewarded, and given the opportunity to grow personally and professionally. We will endeavor to make Great North the best place you have ever worked.
Awesome company that goes above and beyond to help me find just what i needed. Thank you!! Read more
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