Our experienced staff are available to give you feedback on your new business venture. Whether you are founding a start-up or growing your small or medium-sized enterprise, we’re here to help!
If you have drafted a complete business plan, we can read the document confidentially and provide you with comments, meet with you to discuss strategy, and recommend next steps. This is a free service provided by the Community Futures Program in Perth County!
We understand small businesses and the local marketplace. We are happy to provide advice over the phone or in person. Our professional advisers can provide feedback on:
At the Stratford Perth Centre For Business, our mission is to help small-to-medium sized business grow and maximize their potential. Our professional business consultants offer assistance with marketing, e-business solutions, loans, grants and youth programs. Call us or visit our website for more information.
The Performance Group (PG) brings expertise and support to your existing staff as well as providing a flexible, affordable alternative to an internal Human Resources department.
We focus on Organizational Effectiveness. PG delivers Leadership Development -
The Leadership Challenge by Kouzes and Posner
Team Effectiveness - The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team - Patrick Lencioni.
Assessments include DiSC, Myers Briggs, Leadership Practices Inventory (LPI), Thomas Kilmann Conflict TKI.
PXT Select.
Contact us to see how we can help you build extraordinary teams and leaders with our certified, experienced practitioners