Total Farm Supply Ltd, our newest location of CCWG Livestock Supplies in Brandon. Drop by and browse our extensive selection of animal feed / minerals, halters, clippers, marking sprays, and lambing supplies. Stock up on buckets, pails, bottles, teats, and animal health products. Make managing your livestock a whole lot easier with handling equipment, feeders and fencing from brand names you trust, like Marweld and Gallagher.
As a landlord you know that the most important part of the rental process is pre-screening potential tenants. Our reports help you answer the three questions that every landlord has:''Who is this person?''''Can I trust this person with my property?''''Will they pay the rent?''Applicants are only going to provide you with their ''best'' information. Current legal troubles, past difficulties with landlords and financial issues can only be determined from outside sources. Our reports will provide you with a thorough understanding of the applicant's current and past credit history.What every Landlord needs to know:Do they pay their bills on time?Can they afford the rent?Do they have collection actions registered against them?Have they been involved in arbitrations or legal actions with a previous landlord?Is there any indication of fraudulent activity by the applicant?How long have they resided at their previous addresses?What is their employment history?Each report can help you answer these questions and give you the information you need to make an informed decision.Reports are available via fax or e-mail five days a week.
I run a small construction company in Stjärnhov, Gnesta municipality, on the countryside. I do renovations and additions and renovations, as well as new construction.
Posted in Bulls , Cattle Sale Listings , Farm Life , Replacement HeifersA blog update is way past due, and for that I apologize to our regular followers. To bring you up to speed on what is going on; we are basically finished calving, the last of the cows are being sorted into their respective breeding groups and we hope to have the bulls out with the cows by the end of the week. The heifers were AI bred from June 26 - 29. This year we bred 1300 heifers and 25 cows. We changed our program up a little, away from the MGA feed additive program to the CIDR implant program for estrus suppression, with hopes of increased conception rates. Even though the CIDR program is about 10x the cost of MGA, the extra control and the elimination of some intake variance should mean that we have more pregnancies on the initial breeding round. We stuck to the same high-profile bulls as last year. The black heifers were bred to SAV Final Answer and the red heifers were bred to Feddes Big Sky. So we are excited to see how the conception rates to AI turn out