WelcomeThank you for visiting the St. John's website. The information here gives a partial view of the active life of this vibrant Christian community. We would love to have you worship with us, and join with us in our servant ministry in Peterborough. For pictures and video that tell something of the story of our community, please click here . Recent slide shows include our recent Poverty Lunch , Spring Rummage Sale , and Christian Harvey's ordination as Deacon (thanks to Ralph Colley and Bruce Pond for the ordination photos)Sunday September 21st10:00 a.m. Joint AnglicanLutheran service at the zoo.Picnic to follow.The Covenant for Peterborough Parishes may be found here .The Easter edition of the Evangelist is available in the News section.See current church bulletin page or the church at (705)7457624St. John's now has a Facebook page with pictures and other content. Click here to see the page. You don't have to be signed up with Facebook to view the content.Anglican covenant in Peterborough documents
DHA strives to increase self-sufficiency of residents by providing them with an opportunity to develop specific strategies that will assist them in becoming more independent and breaking the cycle of poverty. DHA programs include HOPE VI, conventional housing and Section 8.