The Co-operative Housing Federation of BC (CHF BC) is a co-operative association made up of member housing co-ops and related organizations in British Columbia. Members send delegates to federation meetings to represent their co-op, elect (or run for) the board of directors at the annual general meeting, and/or to serve on CHF BC committees. This member direction helps CHF BC focus on meeting the needs of housing co-ops.You can represent the interests of your members by adding your co-op's voice to the co-operative housing movement. Working together we have created a strong co-operative federation, and we invite your co-op to join us.
We are a non-profit housing co-operative, and collectively, the members pay the mortgage of the Co-operative. Phase I is granted funds from the Federal Housing Ministry under the direction of Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC). Phase II is granted funds from the Provincial Housing Ministry under the direction of the British Columbia Housing and Management Commission (BCHMC). Therefore we are regulated by these government bodies to some degree.
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