Massage Therapy, Bowen Therapy, Infrared Sauna Sessions, Reiki, Guided Meditation, Heart Circle Counselling, Akashic Readings, Ayurvedic Neurotherapy, Naturopathic Medicine, Hypnotherapy and SMART SEMINARS for weight loss and quit smoking. Are some of the services that are offered at Healthworks. It is the goal of Healthworks for people to be able to find one location that can help them heal their entire body. All of the modalities offered at Healthworks are a part of healing the whole body.
Nature’s Cargo™ Crystal Sea Salts™ – enjoy ‘salt’ just the way nature intended – with nothing added and nothing removed!
It's the minerals! Try a natural bath soak with all the wonderful minerals and trace elements from the sea! Ocean Crystal Bath Sea Salts™ and Himalayan Pink Bath Salts™ are unprocessed and unrefined to bathe the skin with healing minerals.
Come visit the quaint shop in downtown Hanover! Offering Daily Luncheon Specials, Soups, Sandwhiches, Vegan and Vegetarian Choices, Gluten Free, Organic Beef, Organic Pork, Farm Trout from Fabulous Fish. Browse the store and see local Crafts and Jewellery! Also Holistic Health and Wellness classes. Mediums, Ora Readings, Tarrot Readings, Dealing with Anxiety, Aroma Therapy and Meditation. Open Wednesday to Saturdays. Open by chance or appointment for Sunday to Tuesdays.