House of Sophrosyne provides recovery programs for women in the Windsor area who are overcoming substance misuse. Our holistic approach implements evidence-based practices to help promote empowerment and healing. If you are struggling with chemical dependency, we are here to help. Contact us today.
Hôtel-Dieu Grace Hospital plays a unique role in Windsor-Essex as the regional provider of advanced care in such areas as complex trauma, renal dialysis, cardiac care, stroke and neurosurgery, acute mental health and a broad range of medical and surgical services required to support these specialized areas.
Essex County Branch - ConnexOntario, Children’s Bereavement (Griefworks), Adult Bereavement, Counselling & Treatment Program For Depression, Anxiety Treatments, Employment Support Services, Bounce Back, Homelessness Initiative Program, Intensive Case Management, Mental Health Promotion & Training, Suicide Education Programs, Suicide Prevention, Substance Use And Addictions Issues, Nonprofit Organization, Mental Health Service, Public Service
CMHA offers a range of services to help people in Windsor. We have services for those with serious issues, people who are working through life's difficulties, and educational services that target the public.
Mental Health Connections is a non-profit agency funded by the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care through Erie St. Clair LHIN to provide services to adults with a mental illness in Windsor and Essex County during their recovery process. The goal of Mental Health Connections is to help people maximize their potential.