Barrie Municipal Non-Profit Housing Corporation was incorporated in 1994, with the objective being to provide and operate housing accommodation and recreational facilities primarily for persons of low or modest income at rentals below current rental marke
The tourism sector generates approximately $840 million for our economy, boosting local business and creating labour opportunities for our work force. We pride ourselves on offering seven unique experiences to our visitors: amazing golf, cultural spaces and places, agricultural and fine dining, a winter playground, trails and trekking, shoreline adventures, and spas and romantic getaways. In our 10year Strategic Plan, approved by County Council, one of our primary Strategic Directions is to expand the role the County plays in promoting economic development and tourism. Together, with our partners, we are making great strides to promote our wonderful region and enhance our tourism industry. Tourism Simcoe County supports a number of events and activities occurring throughout the region this summer and fall. Visit their website for a full list of regional events. We hope you take time to enjoy our many tourism and recreational opportunities.