
Geolocalisation Par Satellite (GPS) near East Zorra-Tavistock ON (63 Result(s))

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Blue Dog Wire Strippers in Woodstock is your No. 1 Source for wire stripping machines and recycling equipment. We offer a wide variety of wire stripping machines to help our clients recycle copper and aluminum from their scrap wire. Our machines can strip anything from 16 ga up to 4" cable. From small drill-operated units, all the way up to large industrial units, we have the machine that's right for you. We also carry an extensive line of recycling equipment, including alligator sheers, granulating machines, motor crushing machines and much more. Visit our website for more details. Our system is fast and efficient. Turn your scrap wire into bare bright and make money. Don't scrap it, strip it.We service all of Canada & USA. Locally, we service southwestern Ontario, all the way to Toronto, the GTA and beyond.
I bought a BWS -50 SAR from Bluedog Wire Stripper it is Fantastic product! Increases profit from insulated wire 3 times ! Very informed staff with deciding right sized machine for operation and operations as well. RT Booth Read more
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