
Funeral Homes near Brentwood Burnaby BC (65 Result(s))

Only Dignity Memorial® professionals celebrate each life like no other. As North America’s largest provider of funeral, cremation and cemetery services, the Dignity Memorial® network is the name families turn to for compassionate and professional final arrangements. Dignity Memorial providers care for more than 500,000 families each year and understand the importance of thoughtful, personalized arrangements. Offered through a network of more than 2,000 funeral, cremation and cemetery providers in Canada and the United States, the Dignity Memorial brand is your assurance of quality, value, caring service and exceptional customer satisfaction. We believe creating meaningful ways to pay tribute to a loved one begins with compassion and is shaped by the understanding that each life is truly unique. For us, there is no greater responsibility than honouring and preserving the story of one’s life.
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Monuments, Memorials, Grave Markers and custom commemorative products are the business of Dan Bellan Design. We are located in the Strathcona - Chinatown district of East Vancouver and we provide services to all cemeteries in the province of British Columbia and beyond. As qualified stonemasons and letter engravers, we also provide various custom engravings and installations. In today's world of increasing standardization, the mark of individual distinction is becoming rare and choosing a commemorative tribute can be a complex decision. We believe each tribute should be as unique as each life or event it is meant to represent. Our materials are chosen for their integrity, finished beauty, and contrast within the local landscapes. Using various techniques and modern design concepts in stone, bronze, glass and ceramics, we assure the memorial will harmonize with and compliment the landscape while still maintaining the personalization of design and shape.
Only Dignity Memorial® professionals celebrate each life like no other. As North America’s largest provider of funeral, cremation and cemetery services, the Dignity Memorial® network is the name families turn to for compassionate and professional final arrangements. Dignity Memorial providers care for more than 500,000 families each year and understand the importance of thoughtful, personalized arrangements. Offered through a network of more than 2,000 funeral, cremation and cemetery providers in Canada and the United States, the Dignity Memorial brand is your assurance of quality, value, caring service and exceptional customer satisfaction. We believe creating meaningful ways to pay tribute to a loved one begins with compassion and is shaped by the understanding that each life is truly unique. For us, there is no greater responsibility than honouring and preserving the story of one’s life.
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