Venez relaxer à la pourvoirie Chez Rainville devant ce magnifique réservoir Baskatong. Que ce soit pour la pêche au doré, brochet, perchaude, ouananiche et esturgeon, ou pour une excursion en amoureux ou une aventure en famille, la pourvoirie Chez Rainville est votre destination de choix au Québec. Notre pourvoirie offre une multitude de services intéressants et de qualité comme le camping, les chalets 4 pignons, un bar avec terrasse, un dépanneur, la location d'équipement (chaloupe, ponton, kayak, pédalo, paddleboard etc.) et de multiples activités nautiques. Plus qu'une simple pourvoirie, un endroit de rêve au Québec!
Situe' on an enchanting site, belted by the reservoir tank Baskatong ou' can indulge to 'the pe ^ che and Lake Gervais ou' the tranquillite' has no equal and no boat motorise' e is permise.Un resident permit from us will bring pleasure and concurrence with its beaches, camping and cottages. We invite you to 'de'couvrir the atmosphere, for years, makes this site a place ou' is good fun and relaxer.En know plusNos chaletsLe Pavillon Arc-en-ciel offers 6 cottages clean and comfortable can accommodate groups of 2 through 8 people. These cottages offer multiple benefits: complète kitchen e'lectricite', hot water, toilet and shower inte'rieure, e'lectrique heating or wood. rent cottages to 'BaskatongCampingNous have beautiful grounds provide you with new as to' to 'the DAY the year. All campgrounds have three services: water, sewers and e'lectricite'. Showers, toilet blocks, washers and provide you with new se'cheuses are on the site. Pe ^ che BaskatongVe'ritable inte'rieure at sea . Huge lake situe' to 'some 3 car north of Montreal or Ottawa hours Baskatong reservoir tank is a strong place fre 'quente' by pe ^ ers and vacanciers.Plusieurs Equivalents fish
I've been fishing the Cabonga reservoir for over 25 years. I know where, how deep and what to use to catch fish and this at any time of the fishing season. Our equipements are in great working condition, our accomodations are not the Hilton hotels but are