Founded in 1990 and headquartered in Toronto, Srinivas Krishna's Divani Films Inc. has a twenty year history of successfully developing, producing and selling film, television, cross-platform and other motion picture media productions. The company has produced and sold numerous hours of Canadian television, along with two feature films and several shorts. Its films have screened in the official selection at Toronto, Sundance, Cannes and numerous other film festivals and have been distributed worldwide. Buyers of company productions include Alliance Atlantis, CBC, CTV, Bravo!, Movie Network, Movie Central, ARTV, Bravo!, APTN, HBO Cinemax, Channel Four, SBS Australia, Star TV Networks, Hong Kong, Strand Releasing, Wellspring Media, Icon Entertainment International and Warner Home Video. Company productions and co-productions have been supported by Telefilm Canada, the Canadian Media Fund, the Ontario Media Development Corporation, the Alberta Film Development Program and SaskFilm.