Dedicated to ethical environmental technologies that lessen the impact on the natural environment, reduce pollution and conserve water resources.Our commercial division focuses on wastewater treatment and incorporates leading-edge technologies in order to attain a better standard.For home and cottage we searched the world to find the best wastewater treatment products, composting toilets and eco-friendly cleaners.
Return to ContentAn Eco-Friendly Product StoreHere lies the potential for change! When one more person becomes eco-aware, that critical number may be reached.Now this new knowledge can be picked up by everyone.It Is the purpose of The Ninety Ninth Monkey to give people the opportunity to become that one person that learns to be more eco-friendly.Let us tip the balance of our daily behaviour towards environmental improvement in the community and our earthAn Eco-Friendly Product StoreHere lies the potential for change! When one more person becomes eco-aware, that critical number may be reached.
The Largest And Longest Running Canadian Organic Lawn Care Company ; Bringing You An Organic Resource Of Products And Services, Chemical And Pesticide Free. In 1991, Environmental Factor Inc. Was Conceptualized When Lorelei Hepburn Started Offering Consulting Expertise On The Topic Of Organic Lawn Care To Home Owners In Her Area. She Soon Realised That People Demanded This In Growing Numbers, Even Though The Common Practise Back Then Was To Use Chemical Lawn Care Products.
Specializing in construction, soil and asbestos abatement, hazardous materials handling and remediation, and all aspects of property management, disaster recovery and emergency response.
Environmental Solutions including Health & Safety and Management Systems Audits and Implementation
for Effective Business Risk Management and Compliance
ESATCO Environmental Solutions including Health and Safety and Management Systems Implementation through a select multi-disciplinary team in environmental resources - applied sciences, compliance(EHS), internal auditing(QEHS), process planning, and management to address each client’s unique needs in a cost-effective manner. We provide quality service, backed by 30+ years experience, at all project stages.
"Effectively Applied Science Solutions"
A key part of our Services is our focused initiative, delivering profitable sustainability for projects in SMEs'. Our services and technologies profitably enable environmental, social and financial sustainability into project delivery, across the asset life cycle, in key areas of assessment, efficiency and treatment & mitigation.