Doussou Formation est un centre de formation situé à
Montréal, en fonction depuis le 11 février 2016. Notre entreprise est spécialisée dans
l’industrie des technologies de l’information, de la bureautique et des systèmes d'information géographique (SIG) au Québec, en procurant
des formations aux entreprises. Nous contribuons à
optimiser le travail de leurs personnels à même plusieurs environnements informatiques.
Afin de soutenir le haut degré de satisfaction de notre clientèle, nous obtenons des
évaluations précises après chacune des formations, améliorons constamment nos
connaissances et créons de nouvelles formations pour anticiper les besoins. Nos formations sont offertes en présentiel et en classe virtuelle(en ligne).
Situé au cœur de Montréal, l'Institut Trebas Québec Inc. forme les talents de demain depuis 1979. Bénéficiez de programmes dans trois domaines principaux : Créatifs, Affaires et Tech. Avec des instructeurs expérimentés, des services de soutien à la carrière et un programme constamment mis à jour, nous maintenons toujours un haut niveau d'excellence.
Located in the heart of Montreal, Trebas Institute Quebec Inc. has been training the talent of tomorrow since 1979. Benefit from programs in three core domains: Creative, Business and Tech. With experienced instructors, career support services and an updated curriculum, we always maintain a high standard of excellence.
Dawson College is downtown, it is big, it is fun, it has great programs and great teachers. There is always a lot going on, with many activities to choose from that make up student life.
The College is easily accessible, linked directly underground to the Atwater Metro station. Above ground, the school sits on 12 acres of green space in the heart of Montreal.
Dawson has been around a long time. It was the first English-language CEGEP when it started offering classes in 1969. Today, it is the largest CEGEP in Quebec.
Our size and experience means we can offer a lot of programs and interesting courses, plus we have an amazing library and gyms, and other facilities, like labs, fitness and combat rooms with the latest in technology and equipment.
This place is very educationable. The staff is always helpful and provides good service. Courses and textbooks are up to date.Everyone treats you with respect and answers any questions that may have been asked.Read more
The organization's mission is to stimulate the development of environmental awareness and critical thinking among young people to exercise civic actions for a sustainable future.
The School sewing Celine Ross is the only school certified by the Graduate School of Arts and Crafts (ESAM). Our sewing classes are for the student that wants to make her own clothes and those of his family.