. Accredited to ISO/IEC 17025-2005 for competence in electrical testing. Accepted by the International Electrotechnical Commission as a CB testing laboratoryTesting and Certification to IEC 62133. MPS serves on the committee drafting the replacement to DO-311. ANSI C18. 1M and C18. 3M TestingWe perform general and safety testing to ANSI C18. 1M for portable primary cells and batteries with aqueous electrolyte and to ANSI C18. 3M for portable lithium primary cells and batteries.
he people listed here are the 'public face' of Creation Ministries International. Many others work 'behind the scenes' (including in some very senior roles), in both a volunteer and paid capacity, to enable us to carry out our ministry objectives. Clicking on the pictures below will take you to the (short) speaker biographies. To see the (long) creation scientist biographies, please visit that page via the 'Info.' menu or click on the longer biography button on the short bio page of interest.
I use this location on a monthly basis to print club newsletters to send out to the few who are on our postal mailing list.
The cost is very reasonable and the convenience of emailing a pdf and picking up the copies later not to mention being treated like a valued customer spending 10x or 100x has been an incredible blessing and is very much appreciatedRead more