Enderby is located at the north of the Okanagan, in Beautiful British Columbia, Canada. With many outdoor activities; Enderby is a nice, quiet place for a summer vacation.
We are inviting all past and present club members, their guests and prospective curlersto visit us upstairs, in the Club lounge during the IPE!The Bar will be OPEN every day from noon - 10:00 PM!*This is a HUGE Fundraiser for the Curling Club.**Please hel
Registration Form Thank you to the Senior Mens Club of their donation of $4100.00 from funds raised from the hard work put into organizing and hosting the Masters Provincials at the Salmon Arm Curling Centre.Curling Club Summer RentalFor more information on renting the Curling Club click here .
The idea behind the open house is to get new members into the club.This is a perfect opportunity to bring down perspective new members.There will be instruction provided and it will give those attending a chance to see what the Vernon Curling Club has to offer.