KL&S strengthens our community through the development of literacy, language and skills for adults and families.To create a world where everyone has the literacy and skills to achieve their full potential through access to education and employment, increased independence and community participation.
East York Learning Experience is a non-profit adult literacy program serving East York, parts of east Toronto, and west Scarborough. EYLE has spent 26 years building our organization with the objective of reducing the social and economic barriers of adult literacy students. Our students are highly motivated and demonstrate a real commitment to their learning. EYLE recruits and trains community volunteers who work on a one-to-one basis with adult students to develop their reading, writing, math, and basic computer skills.
It's an amazing organization that offer s real opportunity to those people who want to thrive to become successful members of the society. They help you to develop the writing, reading, math, and basic computer skills you need to succeed.
Please donate to this organization so they can continue to reduce the social and economic barriers of adult literacy students. Read more
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ABC Life Literacy Canada is a non-profit organization that inspires Canadians to increase their literacy skills. We connect and mobilize business, unions, government, communities and individuals to support lifelong learning and achieve our goals through leadership in programs, communications and partnerships. ABC Life Literacy Canada envisions a Canada where everyone has the skills they need to live a fully engaged life.
The literacy and upgrading programs that are in place are provided through provincial governments. In Ontario, Regional Literacy Networks across the province, like MTML, provide support and help to coordinate literacy services in their area. In Toronto and York Region these programs are serving over 11,000 adult learners. Generally speaking, these programs are funded through the Ministry of Training, Colleges, and Universities and delivered by community-based agencies, school boards, and colleges.
Alexandra Park Neighbourhood Learning Centre is a non-profit, community-based organization that offers adult literacy programs. Since 1985, APNLC has contributed to community building by offering learners the opportunity to develop important skills while becoming part of a unique community. APNLC offers a variety of free, learner-centered programs that range from Literacy and Basic Skills (LBS) to Academic and Career Entrance (ACE).
That is why literacy programs are integrated into the multi-faceted day-to-day life of our communities and why we see an ongoing commitment of these communities to support literacy as a key to personal development and to the socio-economic progress of our nation. Thus we always hear about special activities planned at community level to promote literacy and life-long learning, and to celebrate local literacy achievements. These activities include open houses, community reading festivals, literacy displays, fundraisers and literacy awareness initiatives that target the whole neighbourhood.