At Lakeside Computers, We are Your IT Department. A Technology Assessment (TA) by Lakeside Computers is an in-depth look at your entire computer network. Just like when your dentist takes an x-ray of your teeth to see past work and future needs, our TA analyzes your computer network with a fine tooth comb. We'll discuss how you use your network, what you like and don't like about, and how you'd like to see it improved. After that, one of our skilled engineers will diagnose the strengths and weaknesses of your system. He'll also look at what opportunities exist in your current set-up that can be utilized to improve the health of your system and what vulnerabilities threaten the integrity of your network. Once our engineer has finished the TA he will sit down with you to review our findings and make suggestions to improve the way you use your IT.
Locally owned business since 1999. We serve North Battleford and area, Lloydminster, Provost and Bonnyville areas. For security against burglars and/or surveillance call today. Bee Safe Right Away!!
In 2002 the Onion Lake Cree Nation Treaty Governance Office was established for the purposes of enhancing, protecting and passing on to future generations our Elders' and knowledge keepers' understanding of the original spirit and intent of Treaty No. 6 of 1876. This was done for both education and strategic purposes to coincide with and complement the overall present and future plans of the Onion Lake Cree Nation as a progressive and forward thinking Treaty No. 6 Nation being aware of the importance of the past as it pertains to the present so as to ensure a prosperous future for our future generations. - See more at: