We ask that members submit their email addresses so that we can email correspondence to them instead of doing it by 'snail mail'. The mailouts are getting quite expensive with close to 900 members. We have our own email address now and it is: We would also like to mention that if anyone would like to be added/deleted from our address book, have questions, or would like to find out more info they can email us at the above address. As a member of the Brandon Wildlife Association, you have access to one of Westmans best licensed firing range for rifle, handgun, shotgun and archery. We also have a Fish committee and a launch located in Rivers as well as a pond near the range.
Brandon offers a dynamic environment to grow your business Brandon ranks top ten in Canada for lifestyle, low municipal taxes and affordable labour costs combined with the lowest electricity rates in North America, an extensive transportation network and supportive community leadership.
Whether you plan to stay a day or a week, the entertainment opportunities here are endless! Our community has something for everyone regardless of age!A swim in our new community pool, a stroll through Victoria Park sightseeing and exploring the nature trails, playing at the playground, enjoying a host of river activities, conquering the swinging bridge, or experiencing history in one of our many museums.