
Clubs near Castor AB (135 Result(s))

?The course has seen dramatic improvements on an already excellent track. It is one of the nicest courses you could play for the dollars you spend. Excellent facilities and a friendly, welcome atmosphere awaits golfers and has one of the best views in central Alberta for lunch.? - stanleykoi, from Ponoka Golf Club is "where everybody likes to play." (We used to be "Alberta?s best-kept secret" but the word got out!) That?s what happens when you try to keep a charming, excellent golf course a secret. Everyone finds out ? even Golf Digest, who called us one of its recommended ?Place to Play? courses. Located in the scenic Battle River valley, the course offers a mix of parkland and rolling links-style holes which, after your first visit, will leave you wanting more. You?ll find our staggered tee system favorable for your handicap. Ponoka is a decent challenge for all golfers ? novice to advanced ? and why it?s host for many provincial amateur and professional events.
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