Despite the rain that threatened to fall at any time, visits were numerous and very good atmosphere. Our friends from Louisiana have done a great job and people liked it so much the original recipe for Gumbo and Jambalaya! Thank you Lord.
God is One in three Persons – Father, Son and Holy SpiritThe Bible is inspired by God and therefore is perfect, true and without error. The Bible is what teaches us about our relationship with the Lord.Jesus Christ is Lord of His people (His community – the church) and Lord of each Christ-follower.All have sinned. Jesus' death on the cross as payment for our sin is the only basis we have for a relationship with God. Forgiveness of sin is by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.The Holy Spirit unites us to Christ bringing God's life to us. The Holy Spirit lives in each and every Christ-follower.Believer's baptism symbolizes the forgiveness of our sin and new life in Christ.The Lord's Supper remembers and celebrates the death of Christ in our place and looks forward to when we will be with Him forever.Bible study and prayer, both individual and corporate are expected of Christ-followers and lead to their spiritual growth.
Sunny Brae We Do This Through Offering Inspiring Worship Services With A Relevant, Challenging Message; Teaching And Encouraging People To Dig Into The Bible And Prayer; And Learning Together How To Follow The Every Day Leading Of The Holy Spirit.